Masses to celebrate 50 years of Hyning.
The most dominant aspect of 2024 for us has been the celebration of the 50 years of our presence at Hyning. It has been a year in which to give thanks for the ways in which God has worked here since the arrival of Sr Mary Laurence, Sr Mary John, Sr Mary Nivard and Sr Michelle Marie in November 1974.
We marked the event in a number of ways. At the end of August, three open afternoons drew about 450 visitors through the gates of Hyning, many for the first time. The varied programme included a presentation on Hyning and our Bernardine life, an icon exhibition, the opportunity to visit the garden, and, for our younger visitors, the Teddy Nun Hunt. As you may imagine, an excellent cream tea was waiting for our visitors in the Dining Room. As on so many occasions, we were extremely grateful to our volunteers and friends without whose help these days would have been impossible.
Two liturgical celebrations of our golden jubilee took place on the 19th September and the 13th November. The former was celebrated by the Bishop of Lancaster, the Rt Rev Paul Swarbrick, as well as other priests from the diocese and further afield. Local religious, friends and families, and two sistersfrom our monastery in France, joined us on this day which was also the 40th anniversary of the Dedication of our Church. The principal celebrant at the second celebration in November was Abbot Cuthbert Madden OSB who had made the journey from his monastery of Christ the Word in Zimbabwe especially for the occasion. We were delighted to see him again. He was joined by monastic brethren from Mount St Bernard Abbey, Mellifont, Nunraw, Ampleforth, Belmont and sisters from Stanbrook Abbey. Our Oblates and many friends and family shared this occasion with us. We were particularly pleased to welcome Denis Linehan, Sr Mary Nivard’s brother, who made the journey from Hertfordshire. Our sisters at Brownshill were with us on both occasions and special mention must be made of Sr Michelle Marie, the surviving foundress, who had the honour of cutting the cake. Meanwhile Sr Mary Colette holds the record for the longest number of years lived at Hyning, clocking up 40 out of those 50 years.
Sr Elizabeth Mary, our Prioress General, came to Hyning in November for our visitation and was with us for the second of our jubilee celebrations. She was accompanied by Sr Christine, superior of our Community in Vietnam. We enjoyed having both of them with us, hearing news and seeing photos of Vietnam and elsewhere in our Bernardine Order and their lovely voices in choir enhanced our liturgy.