“Lectio Divina is a prayerful reading, carried out peacefully and perseveringly, lived out in faith.
Personal Prayer
Lectio Divina is a monastic way of praying with Scripture. We reflect on the words of Scripture and this helps us to deepen our understanding of the Word of God. Our personal prayer should feed and strengthen our Community prayer which is known as the Divine Office. A central element of our prayer is the celebration of the Eucharist.
Click on the audio file link to hear the two English communities sing the Magnificat at the end of the 2015 retreat at Hyning.
The Eucharist
"The Eucharist is at the heart of our lives" from the Constitutions of our Order.
We celebrate Mass every day in our monasteries and guests and visitors are always welcome to celebrate with us.
Prayer of the Church
The prayer of the Church is known as the Divine Office. We pray this in union with the Church and as Bernardines we sing it 5 times a day.
The Divine Office, or Prayer of the Church is sung by the community at specific hours of the day. Together, and with Christ, we dedicate our whole day to the Father, using the psalms which Jesus himself used and readings from the scriptures. All the sisters are, therefore, united in prayer throughout the day, and indeed are united with all those who in the Church throughout the world who follow this pattern of prayer.
Hyning Chapel
Lauds (Morning prayer of praise)
Terce (A time of prayer to invoke the Holy Spirit)
Midday Office (A pause to reflect during the working day)
Vespers (Evening prayer of thanksgiving)
Vigils (Night prayer)
If you want to follow Lauds with the Brownshill community, information follows! Email for papers
The Divine Office in Goma
Lauds Click on for link for Morning prayer