10:00 AM10:00

Journey into the unknown - St Brendan and his companions

Day on St. Brendan led by Donna Worthington

In the 5th century, the brilliant Celtic seafarers Saint Brendan and his companions, set sail into the unknown of the Atlantic, compelled by the Spirit to seek the Island of the Promised Land…This incredible Christian journey offers a wonderful imaginative and mythic space in which to do our inner, creative soulwork.

Cost £30, includes refreshments and a cooked lunch. If you have a special diet, please let us know when you book.

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10:00 AM10:00

The Raising of Lazarus

  • Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Raising of Lazarus - Journeying with John’s Gospel to the tomb and resurrection. Led by Donna Worthington.

We will explore this through a short theatre piece, theological and spiritual reflection, quiet and prayer etc. Come and dive deep into this wonderful Gospel text.

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10:00 AM10:00

Wonder of Stories

  • Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Led by Donna Worthington

As the gong is sounded, an ancient Emperor of China appears, his eyes held by what he has just read about the exquisite song of the Nightingale... Sit back, relax and enjoy the performance... We will seek to enter another world and mine the treasures of this old story and explore the Nightingale as a symbol of Christ. The retreat will offer space to explore, from Christian perspectives, how stories can be guides to deeper self-awareness, freedom and wholeness that God offers us. We will also reflect on the famous tales of Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella.

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10:00 AM10:00

Retreat with St. John of the Cross

  • Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A RETREAT ON JOHN OF THE CROSS’ THE SPIRITUAL CANTICLE (November 25th 2024) Led by Donna Worthington

In the darkness of a prison cell, from the Carmelite John of the Cross, prayer-maker and visionary, emerged one of the most compelling poems ever written, The Spiritual Canticle. This retreat day which will go on to explore The Spiritual Canticle through presentation, stillness, prayer, imagery and discussion. An opportunity to go deeper in your Christian spirituality with this wise pioneer of faith as our guide.

For more information, contact Sr. Mary Bernard

£30 includes refreshments and lunch.

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to Oct 19

Prayer and Gardening

  • Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

TALKS on prayer with gardening as a team in our beautiful garden! Residential or day places available. £55 for overnight accommodation with meals included. £170 for residential Wednesday - Saturday. You are also welcome just to come for a day! (The price may change - see booking secretary).


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to Aug 31

An Ecumenical Flute Retreat

  • Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

An Ecumenical Flute Retreat

Tuesday 27th August to Saturday 31st August 2024

‘I will sing and make music for the Lord’ (Ps 26)

This retreat is now full but we are offering a second one from Tuesday 1st October - Saturday 5th . October. This will be a repeat of the August retreat programme.

See the programme page for more details August Flute retreat or October flute retreat.

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to Aug 9

Beginners (and beyond) Icon course

  • Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

No experience needed to learn how to write an icon! This course will be led by Sr. Mary Stella. For more details see nearer the time. £250 for materials and tuition. £260 for accommodation. Day students accepted and see Sr. Mary Bernard for arrangements.

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to May 12

Come and See weekend

  • Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For single women aged 18 - 45 who are discerning what the Lord is asking of them. Share in the Divine Office, learn about Prayer and Lectio, share in the life of the community. Contact for further details.

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to May 10

Prayer and Gardening

  • Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Talks on prayer with gardening as a team in our beautiful garden! Residential or day places available. £55 for overnight accommodation with meals included. £220 for residential Monday - Friday. Day rates with no overnight stay please contact Sr. Mary Bernard for details.

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10:00 AM10:00


  • Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

THE WOMAN WHO ANOINTED JESUS | Imagine a woman walking through the streets to Jesus… She wants to do a brave thing for him before he dies. She carries a bowl of exquisite, expensive perfume in her hands… And Jesus’ responses: ‘She has done a beautiful thing to me’. ‘What she has done will be told in memory of her.’ We will explore this incredible Gospel text through drama, reflection, discussion, prayer etc.

Timetable to follow.

£30 includes refreshments and lunch. (Prices may be reviewed)

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10:00 AM10:00

Day on the Cloud of Unknowing

  • Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Explore this incredible mystical text written in the 14th C, a profound guide on prayer.

We’ll be exploring the wonderful 14th C contemplative text ‘The Cloud of Unknowing’ through attention to specific parts of the text, music, prayer, discussion, a reflective creative task, in a quest to deepen our own prayer lives.


For more information, call Donna on 07770719198 or contact Sr. Mary Bernard

£30 includes refreshments and lunch.

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10:00 AM10:00

Retreat day with the Desert Mothers

  • Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Saturday 25th November 2023: Exploring the Spirituality of the Desert Mothers £30 Please contact

(Lunch included).

10am Coffee

10.30am – 4pm More details of sessions nearer the time.

This retreat will offer windows into the compelling spirituality of the Desert Mothers of the early centuries.  We will explore the faith, prayer and lives of these incredible Christian women, deep disciples of Christ, who journeyed into the wilderness, lived alone or in community, battled with their demons and yearned to put on the mind and heart of Christ. The retreat will include presentation, opportunity for discussion, music, images etc.  


Donna is an experienced retreat giver and worked at the ecumenical Tabor Retreat Centre in Preston, Lancashire, which involved leading retreats, events exploring spirituality, contemplative prayer/meditation and creative liturgy.

Trained in Ignatian spiritual direction, Donna has accompanied many people during weeks of guided prayer and through one-to-one direction.

Trained as a labyrinth facilitator, she has led many labyrinth events for groups of all ages in various educational and faith contexts. Offering labyrinth training to others has included working with schools, chaplains, churches and individuals wanting to explore this ministry.

Having studied Theology at Cambridge, Donna completed an MPhil at Manchester University, while developing a local theology in the context of working as a street theologian on a marginalised housing estate in Blackburn, Lancashire.

Donna is a trained teacher and has worked in secondary, further and higher education, including as Head of the Ethics, Philosophy, Religion Department in a secondary school, teaching Religious Studies up to GCSE and A Level. She has also been a teacher trainer in Primary RE. Donna also has training in counselling and mindfulness.

Donna has MAs in Theatre Directing, Writing and TV Production (The Star-Gazer film was shown on Granada TV in 2000) and is trained in Storytelling. She has written several plays including Illumination written in the light of the Lindisfarne Gospel Exhibition, Blackbirds At Dawn, created to raise awareness of human trafficking and Desert Mother, developed to explore Christian contemplative prayer. Donna has led creative workshops with all ages and on various themes, including exploring the Gospels through theatre and movement. 


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to Nov 25

Icon retreat for Beginners

  • Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Led by Sr. Mary Stella, more details from,uk Course for the week including board and materials £225, plus accomodation Mon - Sat full board £240. For day rates or concessions, please contact

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