Living a Simple Life
Finding an alternative way to live our lives in the current situation where “Simple means more”.
Finding an alternative way to live our lives in the current situation where “Simple means more”.
“…let each one deny himself some food, drink, sleep, needless talking and idle jesting, and look forward to holy Easter with joy and spiritual longing.” (Rule of St. Benedict)
Spending time with Mary and reflecting on God's care for us through her.
We welcome people to the Monastery of Our Lady and St. Bernard each Christmas. Our guests celebrate the liturgy with the community and enjoy the fellowship of other Christians. Together, we worship the Christ child and contemplate the mystery of the incarnation.
Please use this form if you would like more information.
In this wonderful season of expectant hope, come to the Monastery to reflect, to pray, to simply be with God.
A Sister will give some input at 11 am for those who wish. You are welcome to join the community for times of prayer throughout the day and to use the Chapel, sitting rooms and garden.
Suggested offerings for the day are £20 with a packed lunch and £30 with a cooked lunch.
Contact the bookings secretary for more details or to book a place, using the on-line form or by email.
Accommodation may be available for anyone wishing to stay for longer than a day.
We invite you to come to the Monastery, at the start of this beautiful season. The retreat will begin on Friday evening and conclude on the First Sunday of Advent. You will have time for silence and prayer, spiritual input from one of the Sisters, and the opportunity to participate in the celebration of the Divine Office with the community.
To book a place, or for more information, please use the booking form.
Come to the Monastery to reflect, to pray, to simply be with God.
A Sister will give some input at 11 am for those who wish. You are welcome to join the community for times of prayer throughout the day and to use the Chapel, sitting rooms and garden.
Suggested offerings for the day are £20 with a packed lunch and £30 with a cooked lunch.
Contact the bookings secretary for more details or to book a place, using the on-line form or by email.
The beautiful celebration of All Souls is a particular apt time to remember our loved ones who have died. The weekend will be led by Fr Martin McLaughlin OSB. There will be talks and opportunities for sharing, as well as times of prayer together and alone. Suggested offering is £ 140 for the weekend, which includes all meals from Friday supper to Sunday lunch. Please use the form for bookings or further enquiries.
St. Benedict asks “Who is the one who longs for life?”…. Are you longing for life? This is an invitation to encounter God in the Monastery, to live alongside the community for a weekend in order to experience our way of life. It is open to those who are seeking their place in the Church, men and women, who have not already made a life commitment. All meals included. Donations welcome. Please use the booking form to book your place or to request further information.
Come to the Monastery this Autumn to reflect, to pray, to simply be with God.
A Sister will give some input at 11 am for those who wish. You are welcome to join the community for times of prayer throughout the day and to use the Chapel, sitting rooms and garden.
Suggested offerings for the day are £20 with a packed lunch and £30 with a cooked lunch.
Contact the bookings secretary for more details or to book a place, using the on-line form or by email.
This year’s ecumenical Season of Creation takes the theme: To Hope and Act with Creation. How can we do this?
In this weekend celebrating Creation, we will reflect on the words of Job who invited us to “ask the animals” what they can teach us about our faith (Job 12:7-10). In His teaching, Jesus frequently drew on nature to illustrate the Christian way of life (e.g. Matthew 6: 26-30). Pope Francis too, reminds us that “each of the various creatures….. reflects in its own way a ray of God’s infinite wisdom” (Laudato si’ para.69] and urges us to remember that “the universe as a whole, in all its manifold relationships, shows forth the inexhaustible richness of God” [Laudato Deum: 63].
We invite you to join us in contemplating the lessons we can learn from animals and to find hope and opportunities for action from the examples of small creatures (e.g. ants) that render significant change.
Suggested offering is £ 140 for the full residential weekend, which includes all meals from Friday supper to Sunday lunch. Non-residential options are also available. Please use the form to book your place or to request further information.
As summer wanes, and the holiday season draws to and end, come to the Monastery to reflect, to pray, to simply be with God.
A Sister will give some input at 11 am for those who wish. You are welcome to join the community for times of prayer throughout the day and to use the Chapel, sitting rooms and garden.
Suggested offerings for the day are £20 with a packed lunch and £30 with a cooked lunch.
Contact the bookings secretary for more details or to book a place, using the on-line form or by email.
Come away to the Monastery to reflect, to pray, to simply be with God.
A Sister will give some input at 11 am for those who wish. You are welcome to join the community for times of prayer throughout the day and to use the Chapel, sitting rooms and garden.
Suggested offerings for the day are £20 with a packed lunch and £30 with a cooked lunch.
Contact the bookings secretary for more details or to book a place, using the on-line form or by email.
Come to the Monastery for this weekend to experience prayer in the Christian tradition. There will be talks given by members of the community and opportunities to pray together and alone. We invite you to enter into the rhythm of prayer that shapes every day in the monastery, and to take time to listen in silence “with the ear of your heart”. The suggested offering is £ 140 for the weekend, which includes all meals from Friday supper to Sunday lunch. Please use the booking form to book your place or to request further information.
With summer in full swing, come away to the Monastery, to reflect, to pray, to simply be with God.
A Sister will give some input at 11 am for those who wish. You are welcome to join the community for times of prayer throughout the day and to use the Chapel, sitting rooms and garden.
Suggested offerings for the day are £20 with a packed lunch and £30 with a cooked lunch.
Contact the bookings secretary for more details or to book a place, using the on-line form or by email.
Save the date!
On June 15, we are inviting you to come and discover the monastery and its history.
Programme for the day:
We are open from 10.30am to 12.30pm and from 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
11.00 and 2.30: Presentation of the Past and Present of the Monastery
12.30: Midday Office
4.30: Vespers
Light refreshments available
Come away for a summer’s day at the Monastery to reflect, to pray, to simply be with God.
A Sister will give some input at 11 am for those who wish. You are welcome to join the community for times of prayer throughout the day and to use the Chapel, sitting rooms and garden.
Suggested offerings for the day are £20 with a packed lunch and £30 with a cooked lunch.
Contact the bookings secretary for more details or to book a place, using the on-line form or by email.
Come away for a day at the Monastery to reflect, to pray, to simply be with God, as we prepare for the great feasts of the Ascension and Pentecost.
A Sister will give some input at 11 am for those who wish. You are welcome to join the community for times of prayer throughout the day and to use the Chapel, sitting rooms and garden.
Suggested offerings for the day are £20 with a packed lunch and £30 with a cooked lunch.
Contact the bookings secretary for more details or to book a place, using the on-line form or by email.
Come away for a day at the Monastery to reflect, to pray, to simply be with God, as we rejoice with all Christians in this Easter season.
A Sister will give some input at 11 am for those who wish. You are welcome to join the community for times of prayer throughout the day and to use the Chapel, sitting rooms and garden.
Suggested offerings for the day are £20 with a packed lunch and £30 with a cooked lunch.
Contact the bookings secretary for more details or to book a place, using the on-line form or by email.
Join in the great liturgies of Holy Week and the Easter Triduum, as we journey with Jesus through his Passion and Death into the glory of His Resurrection.
Please contact us using this form if you are interested in staying at the Monastery for Easter.
As we are approaching Holy Week, this is an opportunity to reflect and be still.
A Sister will give some input at 11 am for those who wish. You are welcome to join the community for times of prayer throughout the day and to use the Chapel, sitting rooms and garden.
Suggested offerings for the day are £20 with a packed lunch and £30 with a cooked lunch.
Contact the bookings secretary for more details or to book a place, using the on-line form or by email.
Come to the Monastery for this weekend to experience prayer in the Christian tradition. There will be talks given by members of the community and opportunities to pray together and alone. We invite you to enter into the rhythm of prayer that shapes every day in the monastery, and to take time to listen in silence “with the ear of your heart”. The suggested offering is £ 140 for the weekend, which includes all meals from Friday supper to Sunday lunch. Please use the booking form to book your place or to request further information.
St. Benedict asks “Who is the one who longs for life?”…. Are you longing for life? This is an invitation to encounter God in the Monastery, to live alongside the community for a weekend in order to experience our way of life. It is open to those who are seeking their place in the Church, men and women, who have not already made a life commitment. All meals included. Donations welcome. Please use the booking form to book your place or to request further information.
In this beautiful season of Lent, the Church invites us to return to God with all our heart and to prepare for the joy of Easter. We invite you to spend the day at the monastery for an opportunity to reflect and be still.
A Sister will give some input at 11 am for those who wish. You are welcome to join the community for times of prayer throughout the day and to use the Chapel, sitting rooms and garden.
Suggested offerings for the day are £20 with a packed lunch and £30 with a cooked lunch.
Contact the bookings secretary for more details or to book a place, using the on-line form or by email.
Enter more deeply into the joyful season of Lent with this weekend retreat, led by Sisters of the community. There will be the opportunity to participate in the Divine Office with the community and time set aside to reflect and pray.
Suggested offering for the weekend, including all meals £140.
Contact us here for more details or to book a place.
We welcome people to the Monastery of Our Lady and St. Bernard each Christmas. Our guests celebrate the liturgy with the community and enjoy the fellowship of other Christians. Together, we welcome the Christ child and contemplate the mystery of the incarnation.
Please contact the bookings secretary for more information.
We invite you to come to the Monastery, at the start of this beautiful season. The retreat will begin on Friday evening and conclude on the First Sunday of Advent. You will have time for silence and prayer, spiritual input from one of the Sisters, and the opportunity to participate in the celebration of the Divine Office with the community.
More details will follow. To book a place, or for more information, please contact the bookings secretary.
St. Benedict asks “Who is the one who longs for life?”…. Are you longing for life? This is an invitation to encounter God in the Monastery, to live alongside the community for a weekend in order to experience our way of life. It is open to those who are seeking their place in the Church, men and women, who have not already made a life commitment. All meals included. Donations welcome. Please use the booking form to book your place or to request further information.