Brownshill - Community
The Community in March 2024 (from right to left): Sister Michelle Marie, Sr Maria, Sr Catherine, Sr Audrey, Sr Mary Philippa, Sr Hilda
“It is in community, in keeping with the desire of St Benedict, that our search for God is lived out. A united community is a sign that Christ has come......... Through our prayer, self-denial and self-giving, the Holy Spirit keeps alive in us our ability to welcome, to share and to forgive.”
Our Community
At the very centre of our life in Community is the person of Christ. It is he who has called us together. He is present in our praise as we gather 5 times each day to celebrate the Divine Office. He is present in the mysteries of the sacraments. He is present in our personal prayer and Lectio Divina. He is present in our relations with each other. He is present as we serve him in our work. Our life in Community is a balance of all these elements.
Community life is, for us, a joy and a challenge! It calls us to unselfish and joy-filled generosity. We learn to share our gifts and talents, putting these at the service of others in whatever work we are asked to undertake. We learn to accept our weaknesses and limitations and those of others. We learn to become the people God, in his love, created us to be.
Who we are.....
We are 6 in community at Brownshill. The length of our monastic life ranges from three golden jubilarians (50 years), to a Sister in her third year of vows. We come from different nations and backgrounds. It is with the continual support and example of each other that we respond to the Lord's call each day.
Fr Ted Wildsmith M.Afr., is our Chaplain.