General Chapter 2022

We invite you to pray with our community as we prepare for the General Chapter of our Order, the Bernardines of Esquermes (Bernardine Cistercians). This is the meeting of Sisters from our communities throughout the world, who are elected to form the highest governing authority of the Order.

“The General Chapter is a spiritual and ecclesial event which should be lived by the whole Order, in a sincere attitude of conversion, and whole-hearted search for the will of God. It is carried out in a climate of prayer and fraternal charity filled with the hope of a renewal in the Spirit.” Constitutions 169

These meetings normally take place every 6 years, but this one has been postponed since 2020 due to travel restrictions and difficulties of obtaining visas, caused by COVID-19. Last month the members of the General Chapter agreed to hold their assembly by video conference. The Church is allowing this exceptionally, due to the pandemic. Meetings will begin in April.

Prayer for General Chapter Lord God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father, Send on us your Holy Spirit of power, love and wisdom, so that during our days of meetings we will faithfully accomplish your will, for your glory and the service of your church.

Enlighten us by your light. Give us a humble, peaceful and simple heart. Place within us an intelligence that understands your designs and a will that submits to yours. Keep us one in unity and fraternal communion, so that we will know how to listen to each other and help each other to discern the truth that is in Jesus Christ.

Watch over our words, bless our work, Direct our deliberations, inspire our decisions. Help us to imitate the Blessed Virgin Mary, ever faithful to your word and actions. Help us to recognise you, we pray, as Lord, living among us, through Jesus-Christ, our Lord.  Amen

Posted on February 11, 2022 .

News at Christmas

Brownshill Christmas Newsletter 2021 As we begin this newsletter we are celebrating the feast of all the Saints who lived according to the Rule of St. Benedict. You will know that one of the important elements of Benedictine life is hospitality. One of the nicest things about this year is to see the guest house reopen. We have been fortunate to see our families and friends. Sr Marie Emmanuelle who had contributed so much in the guest house was named back to La Plaine, in August, where she is continuing to work with guests. You will remember her cheerful and warm welcome. And I’m sure you will join us in thanking her for her contribution while she was among us. We started quite gradually with both our past guests and friends coming back but we were also delighted to welcome quite a lot of new faces. Among these were the seminarians who joined us from Oscott College for their pre-diaconate retreat with their spiritual director. Vocation ministry is very much at the heart of our service to the church and there have been opportunities for some of the sisters to connect with young adults and school students via virtual platforms. It is always lovely to see young people and less young people seeking to serve the Lord. We want to mention too St. Bernard’s Prep School at Slough. For many years we and the children have been Prayer Partners and we help each other to deepen our faith and grow in love and service. On the solemnity of the Assumption, our patronal feast, we met with the whole Order on Zoom for Reverend Mother General’s address from the Mother House. A few days later on the feast of St Bernard we were delighted to have a virtual meeting with all those in initial formation in our own Order. This gave sisters the opportunity to meet our young sisters from Africa, Vietnam and Europe. A special joy for us was the Solemn Profession of Sr Reina at Hyning many of you will remember her from her years here. Some of us were able to join the community at Hyning for the celebration. Her profession was live-streamed so that her family and friends in Indonesia as well as the rest of the community at Brownshill could participate virtually. For us here at Brownshill, 1st October was a very special day with the first profession of Sr. Audrey. As many of you will know, Sr. Audrey comes from Réunion Island, a French Department, but has lived in England for many years. Due to the distance and the restrictions of COVID Sr. Audrey was sadly not able to have her family present but thanks to livestreaming, they were able to follow the celebration from home. Sr Audrey’s booklet was in English and French. Several of her friends from Sheffield were able to celebrate with us. Sr Mary Gabriel, who joined our community from Hyning in August, made a beautiful profession cake decorated with a map of Réunion Island, with its motto, very appropriately ‘I will flourish where I am rooted.’ We rounded off this year of celebration with the final commitment of Kathleen Shaw as an Oblate of the Order during the oblates retreat day Mass.

Another form of our commitment has been the sense of responsibility for the care of the earth. As a community we are trying to do our part both following Pope Francis’ very inspiring encouragement (Laudato Si and Fratelli Tutti) and of course the impetus of COP26. It’s going to be a very long and challenging journey but they say that the longest journey starts with the first step. During the year we have had help from a local ecological group supporting and sustaining wildlife in the area. Several times they have come to support us in our work in the garden which has been appreciated. We are also investigating the possibility of buying more food products from our local market in Stroud. As ever there is plenty of maintenance work to be done and this year we have continued the work on the roofs as well as replacing the guttering and improving the loft insulation. It’s been a busy year for Fr Peter who is always on hand with his advice and practical skills. One significant impact for us from the pandemic has been the accessibility of online formation in all sorts of areas. Some of us have followed courses on Scripture, prayer, many of us on the care of the earth. There were some interesting sessions on different aspects of faith in conjunction with the media, music, art and creation. We have also made our own contribution of talks on Zoom and we have continued to send out our morning prayer which several of you are joining in with.

General Chapters for Religious Orders which involve the government of the Order, usually take place at regular intervals. Ours was due to take place in 2020. As it was impossible to hold our General Chapter in France, the elected members are currently involved in a series of pre-Chapter meetings on Zoom in the hope of meeting together as soon as we can. This has been quite a challenge with different time zones and fine tuning the technical problems. We ask you to join us in prayer that we are able to come together for the General Chapter. Nothing replaces the opportunity to meet our sisters face to face.

As ever we are grateful to our growing group of volunteers, those who support us regularly and those who come occasionally. A special mention for a group who arrived one morning to relocate the greenhouse to the opposite side of the building providing it with a sheltered environment and easier access for the community. Some of you will be aware that Sr M Lucy manages the very important work of the archives and in the course of the year both Sr. Mary Helen and Sr. Elizabeth Mary came to work with her on these. We very much appreciate their hard work. We send our special love to Sr. Mary Lucy who celebrates a significant birthday. As this Christmas approaches we know that many of you will be saddened by the loss of loved ones. We remember particularly Sr. Mary Helen’s mother Mrs. Patricia Jackson who died in the autumn. Our community in Goma also lost two of their sisters, Sr. Marie Bernard and Sr. Marie Remi. You can all count on our love, sympathy and prayers. In this season of hope may we find peace and joy in the birth of the Saviour. With our love and prayers,

Sr. Maria, Sr. Mary Lucy, Sr. Catherine, Sr. Michelle Marie, Sr. Mary Philippa, Sr. Hilda, Sr. Mary Gabriel, Sr. Audrey

Posted on December 31, 2021 .

Happy Christmas from the Community at Brownshill

We wish all our friends, near and far, all the blessings and peace of this Christmas season!

It is wonderful to share Christmas with a few guests this year, as well as our local friends, who regularly attend Mass here. The great seasons of Christmas and Easter are the high points of our life in the Church, and it is so important to celebrate them together. After two Easters and one Christmas without guests, the community appreciates the presence of others who share our faith in the Word made Flesh, who was born, lived and died for us all.

Our community news for 2021 will be posted in the next day or two, hopefully with some pictures - watch this space! Fr. Peter’s sermons for Midnight Mass and Christmas Day Mass are in the preceding two posts.

Happy Feast of the Holy Family!

Posted on December 25, 2021 .

Advent Retreats

As the limitations imposed on us all by COVID-19 ease, we are delighted that our guesthouse is open. To mark the beginning of Advent we will be offering a residential retreat at the Monastery. In addition we are offering a virtual retreat, for those who are unable to be with us in person. Please see the programme page for details and to book your place.

Posted on October 13, 2021 .

Sr. Audrey's First Profession

On 1st October, the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux, Sister Audrey made her First Profession at the Monastery of Our Lady and St. Bernard. Sr. Mary Helen was here to receive her vows. Fr. Chris Posluszny, who had been Sr. Audrey’s Parish priest in Shefflield, was the principal celebrant. We were delighted to celebrate with four of our Sisters from the Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning in Lancashire, friends from nearby and friends from Sheffield.

Fr. Peter Craddy, Sr. Maria, Sr. Audrey, Sr. Mary Helen, Fr. Chris Posluszny

Fr. Peter Craddy, Sr. Maria, Sr. Audrey, Sr. Mary Helen, Fr. Chris Posluszny

Posted on October 4, 2021 .

From the Archives

Sister Mary Helen, our Prioress General, visited recently to work on the archives. The conference room soon filled with files and photographs and all manner of records of Bernardine life in Slough and Westcliff.

Sr. Mary Helen left behind someone very important. Sr. Mary Lucy suggested that we celebrate with him on Sunday, the Solemnity of St. Benedict. See below.

Banner made at one of our schools to mark the 1500th anniversary of St. Benedict's birth.

Banner made at one of our schools to mark the 1500th anniversary of St. Benedict's birth.

Posted on July 14, 2021 .

Return to Goma

Thank you for your interest and your prayers for our community in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We are very happy to report that our Sisters have returned to our monastery in Goma. They are getting back to something approaching normal life, having left the city under an evacuation order from the government two weeks ago, due to the risk of further eruptions of Mount Nyiragongo.

Please continue to pray for the population of Goma and the whole country, where the volcanic eruption added to the difficulties caused by ongoing conflicts and violence.


Posted on June 6, 2021 .

Evacuation of Goma

Today our Sisters began a journey out of Goma in response to the government’s call to evacuate. Since Saturday’s volcanic eruption earth tremors have continued every few minutes, causing cracks to appear in the ground and in the walls of buildings, including in the walls of our Monastery. The latest assessments are that there is significant risk of further eruptions of Mount Nyiragongo,

Three Sisters remain in Goma to watch over the monastery. The rest of the community is en-route along the heavily congested road out of Goma to Sake, and onwards to another Monastery.

Thank you for continuing to pray for our Sisters and for all the people of Goma, those who have fled, those who remain in the city.


Posted on May 27, 2021 .

Pentecost: Goma and Brownshill

We began the feast of Pentecost with the news that the city of Goma in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was being evacuated , following the eruption of the volcano Mount Nyiragongo , which caused a devastating flow of lava to move towards the city. Electricity lines were cut and there was no news from our community in Goma.

During the day news came through that our community was safe. Deo Gratias! All the Sisters remained together at the Monastery, where they had celebrated Lauds and Mass for Pentecost, after a very anxious night. The situation is still precarious and you may know that people on the edges of the city lost their lives, while others lost homes and property. Please continue to pray for our community, their families, the pupils and staff of our school, and all the people of Goma.

Pentecost at Brownshill was also marked, happily, by the presence of some of our first guests since October last year. It is a joy to be able to welcome people once more, albeit in smaller numbers and with all necessary restrictions in place. We look forward to welcoming more of you as the summer progresses.


Posted on May 24, 2021 .

News and Events

Following the popularity of our on-line retreats and events during Advent and Lent, we are preparing “Virtual Days of Reflection and Prayer”. The first will be next week. If you would like to join us in Eastertide to “Rejoice with the Risen Christ”, see our programme for details and to register.

You can also see a new photograph of the Sisters of Brownshill on our Community page. This may be your first sight of our new community. It was formed in August 2020 when Sr. Maria became Prioress and we were joined by Sr. Michelle Marie and Audrey. Sr. Elizabeth Mary is now Prioress of our community at Hyning in Lancashire, and Sr. Reina is part of the same community.

Posted on April 29, 2021 .

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

The Lord is Risen! The Lord is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!

Happy Easter

The community wishes you the fullness of Paschal joy

Before Mass on Easter Sunday Morning

Before Mass on Easter Sunday Morning

Posted on April 4, 2021 .

Paschal Triduum

At the foot of the cross we wait in hope

Good Friday afternoon after the celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Good Friday afternoon after the celebration of the Lord’s Passion

Posted on April 2, 2021 .

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Day Eight 25th January

“So that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete” (Jn 15:11)


Reconciling with all of creation

“Through the crucified and risen Christ, a path of reconciliation has been opened up; creation too is destined for a future of life and peace.” “The newness of life that Christ brings, however hidden, is a light of hope for many. It is a wellspring of reconciliation for the whole of creation and contains a joy that comes from beyond ourselves: “so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete” (Jn 15:11).” quote from CTBI resources for Unity Week

Posted on January 24, 2021 .

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Day Seven 24th January

“I am the vine, you are the branches” (Jn 15:5a)


Growing in unity

“Each tradition seeks to lead us to the heart of our faith: communion with God, through Christ, in the Spirit. The more we live this communion, the more we are connected to other Christians and to all of humanity.” “Christ’s will commits us to a path of unity and reconciliation. It also commits us to unite our prayer to his: “that they may all be one. . .so that the world may believe” (Jn 17:21).” quote from CTBI resources for Unity Week

Posted on January 23, 2021 .

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Day Six 23rd January

“Go and bear fruit, fruit that will last” (Jn 15:16b)


Welcoming others

“Throughout his life, Jesus welcomed those he met. He listened to them and let himself be touched by them without being afraid of their suffering.” “Sometimes something as small as a kind look, an open ear, or our presence is enough to make a person feel welcome. When we offer our poor abilities to Jesus, he uses them in a surprising way. We then experience what Abraham did, for it is by giving that we receive, and when we welcome others, we are blessed in abundance.” quote from CTBI resources for Unity Week

Posted on January 22, 2021 .

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Day Five 22nd January

“You have already been pruned by the word…” (Jn 15:3)

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Letting oneself be transformed by the Word

“The Word of God is very close to us. It is a blessing and a promise of happiness. If we open our hearts, God speaks to us and patiently transforms that which is dying in us. He removes that which prevents the growth of real life, just as the vine grower prunes the vine.” quote from CTBI resources for Unity Week

Posted on January 21, 2021 .

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Day Four 21st January

“I do not call you servants any longer… but I have called you friends” (Jn 15:15)


Praying together

“Jesus lived in prayer, intimately united to his Father, while creating friendships with his disciples and all those he met.” “If we pray with Christians of other traditions, we may be surprised to feel united by a bond of friendship that comes from the One who is beyond all division. The forms may vary, but it is the same Spirit that brings us together.” quote from CTBI resources for Unity Week

Posted on January 21, 2021 .

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Day Three 20th January

“Love one another as I have loved you” (Jn 15:12b)


Forming one body

“Jesus wishes that life and love circulate through us as the sap through the vine, so that Christian communities be one body.” “In Christ we are invited to be clothed in compassion, through countless new beginnings. The recognition that we are loved by God moves us to welcome each other with our strengths and weaknesses. It is then that Christ is in our midst.” quote from CTBI resources for Unity Week

Posted on January 19, 2021 .

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Day Two 19th January

“Abide in me as I abide in you” (Jn 15:4a)


Maturing Internally

We “need a long period of maturation, an entire lifetime, in order to plumb the depths of Christ's love, to let him abide in us and for us to abide in him.” “it is through prayer, by listening to the word, in sharing with others, by putting into practice what we have understood, that the inner being is strengthened.” quote from CTBI resources for Unity Week

Posted on January 18, 2021 .