We began the feast of Pentecost with the news that the city of Goma in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was being evacuated , following the eruption of the volcano Mount Nyiragongo , which caused a devastating flow of lava to move towards the city. Electricity lines were cut and there was no news from our community in Goma.
During the day news came through that our community was safe. Deo Gratias! All the Sisters remained together at the Monastery, where they had celebrated Lauds and Mass for Pentecost, after a very anxious night. The situation is still precarious and you may know that people on the edges of the city lost their lives, while others lost homes and property. Please continue to pray for our community, their families, the pupils and staff of our school, and all the people of Goma.
Pentecost at Brownshill was also marked, happily, by the presence of some of our first guests since October last year. It is a joy to be able to welcome people once more, albeit in smaller numbers and with all necessary restrictions in place. We look forward to welcoming more of you as the summer progresses.