Palm Sunday Reflection

No hand-held palms this year so we created a simple road up to Jerusalem………’Most of the crowd spread their garments on the road, and others cut branches from the trees’ (Matt 21)

Posted on April 5, 2020 .

WhatsApp Group for Young Catholic Adults

If you are a young Catholic adult between the ages of 18 to 35ish, you may be interested in joining the recently formed Young Catholic Adult Network (YouCAN) WhatsApp Group. There are already nearly 70 in the group from across the country who share their Faith and pray together. To join, please send your mobile number to Rina at

Posted on April 3, 2020 .

Happy Feast of the Annunciation

We begun this lovely feastday with the following intercession at Lauds:

“Loving Father, we praise you for Our Lady’s availability to your work of salvation. Give us the grace to be generous in our daily ‘Yes’s”.

As we remember God’s work of salvation in the Incarnation, we think of Mary, who entrusted herself in faith, with courage and humble simplicity, to the Lord’s working in her life.

Following her example and confident of her intercession for us at this present time, we too are called to surrender ourselves to the God of Love repeating, perhaps just in a whisper, our ‘Yes’ for what He wants for us today and each day…….

Posted on March 25, 2020 .

Parish Newsletter - Lent Week 4



Beeches Green  •  STROUD  •  GL5 4AA  •  (01453) 762442

* 8

Parish Priest: Fr Gary Brassington

 Deacon: Steve Bentley Tel: (01453) 751101 Parish Administrator: Marilynne Morgan Tel: 0784 249 5988

Parish Safeguarding Representative: Caroline Rush  *:

Lent Week 4 Psalter: Week 4 & Proper of Season

Lectionary: Sunday Cycle Year A, Weekday Cycle Year 2




Sunday 22nd March



1Sm 16: 1,6-7, 10-13; Ps 22; Eph 5:8-14;
Jn 9: 1-41

Monday 23rd March

Weekday of Lent

Is 65: 17-21; Ps 45; Jn 4:43-54

Tuesday 24th March

Weekday of Lent

Ez 47: 1-9, 12; Ps 45; Jn 5:1-3,5-16

Wednesday 25th March


Is 7:10-14; Ps 39; Heb 10:4-10;Lk 1:26-38

Thursday 26th March

Weekday of Lent

Ex 32: 7-14; Ps 105; Jn 5:31-47

Friday 27th March

Weekday of Lent

Wis 2: 1,12-22; Ps 33; Jn 7:1-2,10,25-30

Saturday 28th March

Weekday of Lent

Jer 11: 18-20; Ps 45; Jn 4:43-54

Sunday 29th March


Ez 37:12-14; Ps 129; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45

Diocesan Prayer Link: We pray for the parishes of Sacred Heart, Chew Magna and St Pius X, Withywood.

Public Mass is currently suspended at the churches of The Immaculate Conception, Stroud and Our Lady and Saint Thérèse, Painswick.

We pray for all those within our parish and their intentions: including the communities at the Monastery of Our Lady and Saint Bernard, Brownshill and More Hall, Randwick; and all those connected with our schools.


In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives sight to a man born blind. First, he can see physically and then with the eyes of faith. We too, through baptism, have been given the eyes of faith, but we can struggle to see what it is that God is asking of us. Through our sinfulness, we can find ourselves overwhelmed by darkness. Jesus longs to bring us out of this darkness. He wants to open our eyes, our minds and our hearts to the compassionate and merciful love he has for us.

Lent gives us this special time and opportunity for facing our darkness and seeking once more the light which heals and forgives. Walking in the light of Christ, we walk in freedom and we walk in hope.


Your prayers are asked for those who are housebound, residing in nursing homes, ill in hospital or sick:

Antonietta Lazdans, Colin Keegan, Vivienne Tarn, Sarah Williams, Jean Barber, Helen Hursthouse, Christopher Browne, Gerardo Capaldo, Michael Flint, Clare McDermott, Margot Williams, Gisele Smart, June & John Privett, Olivia Bouzyk, Raphael Moore, Brian O’Donoghue, Mary Grant, Finley, Nicky Golder,  Ursula & Desmond Kyne, Imelda Kucharzyszyn, Kitty McCoy, Lisa Knight, Pat King, Francis Kerrigan, Rebecca Frazier, Lucia Mirkovic, Monika Smit, Joan O’Donoghue, Sr Quentin, Peter Ollis, Peter McCombie, Anne Allen, Sr. Catherine, Daryl Jackson, Lola Long, Grace Harper, Jamie Watt, Maggie, Thea Gregson, Gwen Kimpton, Peter Tay, Woody, Ann Enright, Jill Chapman, Janie Wilmot, Kevin Sivell, Rian Harvey, Theresa Finneran, Niall Walker, Cecilia Redgrave, Christopher & Clifford Browne, Victor Vincent, Bevan, Stephen Carden, Murray Dolan, John Stephens, Phyllis Bruton, Marilyn Anderson, Chris Strong, Kate Thorley, Amanda Mullins, Pilar, Paul O’Keith, Simon Terry, John Cibulskas, Anna Dowdeswell, Stephen & Paul Coupe, Anthea Van Venroy, Maisie McGinley & all their carers.

To add a name to this list please contact the office or email/phone the Editor

 – please ensure you have the agreement of the sick person



We pray that the Church in China may persevere in its faithfulness to the Gospel and grow in unity


In common with the other bishops of England and Wales, Bishop Declan has issued a decree in light of the current Covid-19 situation. Within this decree it is clear that:

·         The obligation of the faithful to attend Mass on a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation is removed until further notice.

·         All churches and chapels, as well as other places where regular Sunday and weekday public Masses are celebrated, are to suspend all public Masses.

·         The faithful may choose one of the following alternatives to attending Sunday Mass:

o    Taking part may include watching a Sunday Mass online, or on television, and so receive Holy Communion spiritually; OR

o    Reflecting on the Sunday Liturgical text, reading the Bible or saying the Rosary

The decree also asks that churches ‘remain open, especially on Sundays, for individual private prayers, without any organised services, and offering prayer before the Blessed Sacrament’. Consequently, the church of the Immaculate Conception will be open every Sunday, at least from 10:00am until 12:00 noon. This week it is hoped that the church will be open for some time each weekday, and it should definitely be open on Tuesday from 10:00am until 3:00pm and Wednesday from 6:00pm until 7:30pm. Over the coming weeks it is hoped to extend the guaranteed times.

A possible form of prayer for use when Mass cannot be publicly celebrated can be found at Copies will also be left at the back of the church.

Sunday and daily Mass readings can be found at


There will be Sunday Mass and weekday Mass from Clifton Cathedral available online. Details will be available at and should be included in next week’s newsletter.

Father Gary will be offering Mass privately during this time as ‘the continued celebration of Mass ensures that the faithful can join in spiritual communion with the priests of the church.’

While the parish administration will continue, access to the parish office will be restricted to appointment only. For those matters normally dealt with by the parish office please use the parish email or telephone number 0784 249 5988 (Tuesday to Friday 10:00am – 3:00pm). The normal parish telephone number should be used to contact Father Gary.

All parish groups and programmes are suspended until further notice.

There will continue to be a weekly newsletter available at the church and on the parish website.

Please speak with Father Gary regarding any other aspects of parish life or sacramental celebration.

First Holy Communion Programme: Congratulations to those who celebrated First Reconciliation on Wednesday. The First Holy Communion programme is suspended until further notice. At this time, it is uncertain whether it will be possible to celebrate the First Holy Communion Mass on 27th June.

200 Club: The next draw has been postponed. There will be more information in the coming weeks.

Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary takes place on Sunday 29th March:

This will be celebrated around the country on this day. The rededication prayers can be found at There are also copies at the back of the church. These are ideally used at 12:00 noon on that day but, may be used at any time.

Light a Candle of Hope: A National Day of Prayer and Action has been announced by Churches Together England regarding the coronavirus epidemic. This Sunday 22nd March 2020 at 7:00pm we are being asked to light a candle in the windows of our homes as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, our source and hope in prayer.

We remember in our prayers Francisco Herrero who died recently. We also pray for his family and friends.

Editor: Richard McDermott, email: or by post; NB: To avoid disappointment, items for inclusion in the Bulletin; MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY MORNING at the Parish Office.

Clifton Diocese (a Company Limited by Guarantee)    Registered Company No:  10462076

Registered Charity No:  1170168  Registered Office:  St Ambrose, North Road, Leigh Woods, Bristol  BS8 3PW


@stroudRCchurch: Keep up to date with parish news by following us on Twitter

Posted on March 23, 2020 .

Sunday and weekday Mass suspended......

It is with great sadness that, following the guidelines issued from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, there will be no public Sunday or weekday Mass here at the Monastery until further notice…..this applies also to our celebration of the Divine Office.

The Community will continue to be united in prayer to you all and especially our friends with whom we usually share our worship on Sunday mornings.

We recommend to you the live streaming of Mass from Clifton Cathedral:

In addition, each Sunday before 8.30am, we will upload to this webpage the references of the Mass Readings along with the text of Fr Peter’s Sunday homily. Thus, we can be united in worship, keeping each other very close in prayer.

The Community assures you of our prayers for you all and your families. We ask that you kindly to keep us in your prayers.

This news page will be updated regularly so please do keep an eye on it………

Posted on March 19, 2020 .

Gatherings for Public Acts of Worship suspended by the Conference of Bishops

On Wednesday 18th March, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales issued the following……

In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, so many aspects of our lives must change. This includes the ways in which we publicly express our faith. It is very clear that, following official advice and in order to keep each other safe, save lives and support the NHS, at this time we must not gather for public acts of worship in our churches.

This will begin from Friday evening, 20 March 2020, until further notice.

Letter from the Bishops' Conference

Posted on March 19, 2020 .

Guesthouse Closed........

It is with regret that we have taken the difficult decision to close the guesthouse until, at least, the end of April. We will review this decision at regular intervals in line with national guidelines.

We remain united with you all in prayer, asking the Lord to watch over us all, especially those most vulnerable to the virus and these working in the service of others.

We will endeavour to renew the website more frequently during these coming weeks…….so please do ‘stay tuned’……..


Some prayers from the Bishops Conference of England and Wales that we can pray together:

General Prayer for Health Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger, Christ in hearts of all that love me, Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.

Prayer for those in Authority Loving God, in Christ Jesus, the servant of all, you call us to the service of others. Grant to those who govern the community the skill to recognise its urgent needs and the strength to pursue the common good. Endow us all with patience and courage, that we may care for the suffering, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and sustain the needy. Through Christ our Lord, Amen  

Prayer for Health Staff Wondrous God, author of life, you fashioned us in your likeness and breathed into us the life which is your own. Be with those whose special care is the health of mind and body. Fill their hearts with awe for the life which is your gift and sustain them daily in your service, that their hands may bring to others the comfort of your healing touch. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for those Affected Merciful God, come to the help of your people. Be our shelter in this time of peril and strengthen the bonds of our community. Bring healing to all who suffer the ravages of disease and assist those whose skill and art can put an end to this affliction. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. O God, our refuge and our shield, even when we walk in the shadow of death you are there at our side. Be with us, your people,  in this time of danger: bring strength to the afflicted and protection to those untouched by disease. Give us love and courage, that we may trust in your power to save and reach out to all who need our care. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Posted on March 18, 2020 .

Please pray with us for..........

Sister Mary Lucile who died in our Community at Lille last week. She was our oldest ever Bernardine at 105 years, 5 months and 25 days……May she rest in peace.


Posted on February 1, 2020 .

Christmas Newsletter......

Reflecting on a year of celebrations and partings, daily routines and unforeseen events shows that we, in our little corner of the Cotswolds, are deeply connected with the world in many ways. We think of each of our Bernardine Cistercian communities, the wider monastic world, our Diocese of Clifton, our families and friends and all, known and unknown to us, whom we hold in our prayer.

As we write the first snow of the winter has fallen, a reminder of January, which saw heavy snowfalls and a concerted effort to clear safe passage for ourselves and those who venture here. It was Sr. Florence’s second winter in England and she made the most of it, as she made the most of everything in her time at Brownshill. Special mention should be made of her apprenticeship with Fr. Peter as maintenance and plumber’s mate, skills that she takes with her to our community in Goma. We said goodbye to her in August, very grateful for her presence here, for her quiet efficiency and sense of fun. There was a tear or two, but also joy for her, as she continues her Bernardine journey where it began. In Goma she would see for the first time the monastery Church, dedicated in September 2017. More importantly she would meet new members of the community, as the novitiate continues to grow.

Sisters from France and from Vietnam have spent time with us this year, enriching our communion within the Order. Naturally our links with our Sisters in England at the Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning, are particularly deep. There were significant celebrations for two Sisters at Hyning in 2019. Sr. Mary Gabriel (Julia Schroeder) made first profession in February, and Sr. Hilda, Sr. Florence and Sr. Reina witnessed this joyful event. In April Sr. Elizabeth Mary and Sr. Mary Lucy had the pleasure of joining the community of Hyning and their guests to mark Sr. Michaela’s twenty five years of profession. Then in July we were delighted to welcome most of the Sisters from Hyning to Brownshill for our annual retreat. Dom Xavier Perrin of Quarr Abbey gave spiritual nourishment, refreshment and challenge in his talks on the Rule of St. Benedict.

In August six of the nine members of our community gave presentations, either in person or ‘by proxy’, to a gathering of the Order at our Generalate House at the Monastery of Our Lady of La Plaine in Lille. Ideas were exchanged on the theme of “transmettre la vie” and what this means for us, as a small Order spread across three continents. This meeting was in preparation for General Chapter 2020. The General Chapter, representing the whole Order, is convened every six years to review our life, clarify our vision and set priorities to enable us to remain true to our calling and respond creatively to the reality of today in our different communities. We ask for your prayers, as we prepare for this important moment in our life.

As Bernardine Cistercians we are part of the larger “Cistercian family”, from which flow various forms of mutual support and stimulation. For example, in February Sr. Elizabeth Mary attended the Regional Meeting of Cistercians at Roscrea Abbey, Ireland. Then in September Sr. Reina attended a course for monks and nuns in formation at Mount Melleray Abbey, Ireland. These are annual courses, combining excellent teaching with opportunities for exchange and to build friendships. In October Sr. Hilda attended a 2-day conference at the College des Bernardins in Paris on the Charter of Charity (one of our founding documents, and quite revolutionary in 1119), enjoying lectures of a very high standard from international speakers, including Sr. Mary Helen, our Prioress General.

St. Benedict says that the monastery is never without guests. This is true and in May some very special guests came to visit both of our Bernardine communities in England and, most importantly, Sr. Reina. This was the first time that Sr. Reina had seen her family in the flesh since her arrival in the UK in January 2014. Her parents, sister Jeanne and brother-in-law Pierre made the long journey from Jakarta, Indonesia to spend time with Sr. Reina and to meet the Sisters with whom she is making her life. The week-long visit flew by, leaving many happy memories for us all.

In July Brownshill acquired a French ambience when four of Sr. Marie Emmanuelle’s siblings and their spouses travelled from France to Brownshill for a family reunion with her. They all enjoyed exploring the region and getting to know the community better. Sadly, Monique was not able to join them this time.

In September Sr. Hilda was delighted with a visit from her brother, sister-in-law and nieces, who came from South Korea for a holiday back in the UK. Sr. Hilda’s parents joined them to make the family almost complete.

In October the youngest member of Sr. Catherine’s family, 5-month old great nephew Joel, came with his parents and his Granny Anna – the latter all the way from Taiwan!

It has been a year of adjustment for Sr. Mary Philippa, who is not-quite-getting-used-to being a golden Jubilarian (because she maintains that Jubilarians are older than she is….)! The official celebration with thanksgiving Mass was on the 14th of September, but the actual date of her profession was marked in community, and Sr. Mary Philippa was not slow to accept the invitation to go to the Abbey of Cîteaux in France for a gathering of Cistercians on the occasion of the 900th anniversary of the Charter of Charity. The celebrations here on the 14th of September, the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, brought together family from Ireland, friends from college, many friends from the various stages of her Bernardine life, not forgetting our own Sisters from Hyning and France. Fr. Peter preached eloquently and Sr. Mary Philippa enjoyed every single second of it all!

Fr. Peter’s homily for Sr. Mary Philippa’s Jubilee was on the theme of vocation, a topic that was brought into focus for the schools of the Diocese when a “Vocations Roadshow” set off in the summer. Several of us joined the team to speak to groups of school pupils (from six year olds to sixth formers) at different locations, together with a married couple, a Diocesan priest, a missionary Sister and a seminarian. Addressing an older age group in October, Sr. Elizabeth Mary spoke about the Universal Call to Holiness and Love at a vocations discernment retreat at Downside Abbey.

Sr. Mary Philippa’s Jubilee was not the only milestone to be marked. On October 8th Sr. Reina renewed her vows during Mass. It was a particular joy that Sr. Maria, her novice mistress, was present for this celebration of Sr. Reina’s continued commitment to the Lord.

Prayer is, of course, essential in our life and it was only natural that we should contribute to the Diocesan year of Prayer. A series of talks on four Sunday afternoons, followed by tea and Vespers, and repeated on Wednesday evenings, attracted people from all over the Diocese, as well as local friends. Those who came appreciated illustrations of methods of prayer - Sr. Mary Philiippa and Sr. Hilda spoke about Lectio Divina and the Divine Office respectively - but perhaps most of all our sharing our own “lived experience of prayer” – the title of Sr. Elizabeth Mary’s contribution, which was exemplified in Sr. Marie Apolline’s presentation of the ways in which the psalms have accompanied her throughout her life.  

Prayer is also central in the lives of our Oblates, who follow the Cistercian charism in their lives as lay people. The Brownshill Oblates met together with Sr. Catherine in May and again in October, to explore themes of Praying with the Psalms and Climate Change. There are, of course, various forms and styles of prayer, and Sr. Mary Philippa learned about many of these during her course in spiritual direction, a stimulating and enjoyable programme, which she completed at the end of the summer.

We were delighted to welcome some of our ‘prayer partners’ from St. Bernard’s Preparatory School, Slough and their teachers to the monastery for a day at the end of the summer term. We continue to take an interest in the life of all our former school communities, keeping them in our prayers and rejoicing in their continuing success as Catholic schools.

There have been comings and goings in the local Church scene. We were sad to say goodbye to the Marist Sisters at Nympsfield, our friends across the valley, in October. They will be sorely missed after over 90 years in Nympsfield. We wish them every blessing in their new ventures. Then Stroud gained a new Parish priest, Fr. Gary Brassington. Fr. Peter and Sr. Marie Apolline were present at his induction Mass in November.

We hope that this summary of our year illustrates that in our search for God we are deeply connected with the world He made. We take this opportunity to sincerely thank all, who share their time and talents so generously with us, giving practical or professional help and enriching our lives by their presence.

Please keep our Sisters in Goma and their families and all the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in your prayers, as they continue to suffer violence and the scourge of the Ebola virus.

To us all, amidst all the uncertainties of our political situation, concerns about sustaining our planet, and the ongoing struggles of daily life, Advent gives sure hope that God comes to those who put their hope in Him. Let us be ready to welcome God’s Son into our own lives and join in the angel’s chorus of “Gloria in Excelsis Deo”!

S Elizabeth Mary, S Mary Lucy, S Catherine, S Mary Philippa, S Marie Apolline, S Marie Emmanuelle, S Hilda, S Reina


Posted on December 20, 2019 .

CONGRATULATIONS Sister Mary Philippa

We have been celebrating S Mary Philippa’s Golden Jubilee……concluding with a Thanksgiving Mass on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross….

Brownshill Community 2019

Brownshill Community 2019

Brownshill Community with Sisters from Hyning and La Plaine

Brownshill Community with Sisters from Hyning and La Plaine

Religious friends and priests…

Religious friends and priests…

….with University friends,…….

….with University friends,…….

Cutting the Jubilee cake……

Cutting the Jubilee cake……

Posted on September 15, 2019 .

Feast of St Bernard

This year’s Solemnity of St Bernard marked our final day ‘closed’ before the re-opening of the guesthouse.

Many of the Community were seen praying through one of their favourite homilies from St Bernard’s writing:

“You wish me to tell you why and how God should be loved. My answer is that God himself is the reason why he is to be loved. As for how he is to be loved, there is to be no limit to that love” (On Loving God)

“‘I sought him whom my soul loves’ - this is what you are urged to do by the goodness of him who anticipates you, who sought you, and loved you before you loved him. You would not seek him or love him unless you has first been sought and loved” (Sermon 84)

In the afternoon we enjoyed a lovely visit from our friends at Nazareth House (both Cheltenham and Hammersmith)….a joy to be together……

S Mary Lucy and S Elizabeth Mary with S Louis Marie

S Mary Lucy and S Elizabeth Mary with S Louis Marie


Posted on August 27, 2019 .

Community Retreat July 2019

Please keep us in your prayers as we come to the end of our Community Retreat. It has been lovely to have so many of our Sisters from Hyning with us and to welcome Abbot Xavier of Quarr Abbey. His sharing and insights on our Benedictine spirituality and values have been greatly appreciated…………THANK YOU……


Posted on August 2, 2019 .

Welcoming S Reina's family....

Last month we had the joy of welcoming S Reina’s family from Indonesia. We had a lovely week with her parents, her sister, Jeanne, and husband, Pierre……

It was their first visit to Brownshill……happy memories are shared by all….

Posted on June 10, 2019 .

Happy Easter


The magnificent sunshine added to the liturgical beauty of our Triduum celebration.

A photo of the Easter fire celebrating Christ our Light…….

Posted on April 21, 2019 .