Changes for the Bernardine community at Hyning
We were due to hold our General Chapter during this summer period, but we have had to postpone it until July 2021, because of Covid-19. S M Helen, her council, and the Prioresses of our communities will prolong their mandates for another year until the Chapter.
At Hyning, however, I will not be continuing my service as Prioress, because of my uncertain health. So the following decisions have been made:
S Elizabeth Mary will be Prioress at Hyning and S Maria will be Prioress at Brownshill. She will still be in charge of the novitiate, and Audrey, our novice, will go to Brownshill for the coming year.
S Michelle Marie is going to Brownshill as well. S Reina will be returning to Hyning.
I shall remain at Hyning, and am very pleased to be able to do so!
The changes will take place on or about the 15th August, solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady and Patronal feast of all Cistercian monasteries.
I am sure we can count on the support of your prayer during this time. We certainly do not forget to pray for you all, and we thank you for the tremendous support we have always received,
S Josephine Mary.