Today we are celebrating the feast of St. Benedict. St.Benedict was the founder of the Benedictines. When the Cistercians reformed the Benedictines, they renewed the life but kept the strict observance of the Rule. When the Bernardines were founded, we kept the Rule of St.Benedict as the main Rule which we still follow today.
For more information about St.Benedict and his rule, go here
Toward the end of June, Irene joined the Cistercian Junior Course at Roscrea, Ireland. The course was about The Psalms. There were 11 participants, including 3 Bernardines. see the picture below and see if you could recognize us!
For more images and information, go to Mount St.Joseph's Abbey, Roscrea
At the moment, Sr.Mary Stella and David Redmore are running a Prayer and Gardening Week. We will post some pictures during the week of their various activities.