Mass for the Year of Consecrated Life at Lancaster cathedral

On the Feast of St. Michael and all the Archangels, representatives of all the different form of Consecrated Life in the diocese of Lancaster, gathered to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving. Bishop Campbell was the main celebrant with over 20 diocesan priests and priest in religious Orders of the diocese con-celebrating.  Near the front of the Cathedral was a table with various symbols to represent the various forms of life represented.  Well over a 100 representatives of the different institutions were there to share their joy in their calling. Parishioners from various different parts of the diocese joined us for the celebrations.  The cathedral choir and choristers sang as well as an excellent music group from Blackpool. We were pleased to see a number of the Hyning oblates there in the congregation as well.  Sr. Maria had been on the organizing tram which had worked very hard to ensure all went smoothly on the night.  The Mass was followed by refreshments in the Cathedral Social Centre. Below are just a few pictures of the event.  

Posted on October 1, 2015 .