An Ecumenical Flute Retreat
Tuesday 1st October to Saturday 5th October 2024
(This is a repeat of the August retreat).
‘I will sing and make music for the Lord’ (Ps 26)
Following the success of the inaugural Hyning Monastery Flute Retreat which took place in June 2023, flautists are again invited to take part in a retreat which combines elements of a classical spiritual retreat - conferences, time for personal and community prayer – with an opportunity to explore how music can be a path to God. There will be plenty of time to enjoy playing in a group, as a solo player and during the liturgy.
Morning rehearsal
It is particularly suitable for those who use their flute within Christian worship or for flautists who would like to combine the spiritual and musical dimensions of a flute retreat. Each one can work out his or her own balance between the two dimensions.
All abilities of flute playing are welcome, though realistically, about a grade 4 minimum level will be helpful. It is not suitable for complete beginners
The Spiritual Dimension
Participants are very welcome to share in all or some of the daily prayer of the Bernardine Community at Hyning and the Eucharist. The community is Roman Catholic but all Christian denominations are welcome and we hope you will feel at home with the largely scripture-based liturgy.
At some of the services there will be an opportunity to play during the liturgy.
There will be a spiritual conference each day and participants are welcome to profit from the silent chapel and beautiful grounds for personal prayer.
The Musical Dimension
Every day the group will prepare a suitable ensemble piece to play after Vespers. Each participant is also encouraged to bring a piece to work on during the week. In addition, there will be time for playing duos and trios. We will also look at what sort of music is appropriate for use in Christian worship.
Whilst there will be plenty of music, the emphasis will not be on technical development.
Participants 2023
Hyning flute retreat
Sr. Mary Helen playing the flute in chapel.
The Retreat Organiser
Sr Mary Helen is a Bernardine Sister at the Monastery or Our Lady of Hyning and a passionate amateur flautist. She holds the ARSM diploma and the ACertCM (Archbishops’ Certificate of Church Music.) She also plays keyboard. She frequently uses her flute within the Christian liturgy and would love to welcome other flautists to Hyning to share her joy in playing the flute for the Lord!
She will be joined each day by Liz Gilbert, a local flute teacher who will conduct the ensemble practices. Liz has long experience of working with diverse music groups.
A Relaxing Dimension
The Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning is in an area of outstanding natural beauty close to Morecambe Bay and not far from the Lake District. Beyond its own landscaped garden, there are many beautiful walks.
The Guest House has 12 very comfortable en-suite bedrooms. Much of the food is home grown and coffee and tea making facilities are available. It is an ideal place to have a break from the busyness of ordinary life and to enjoy playing your flute and connecting with God.
What the retreat is not
Whilst there will be plenty of time for playing and opportunity to make music, this will not be an intense professional experience with master classes, working on various techniques etc.
Cost : Suggested donation : Full board accommodation £240; Retreat fee : £130 (total £370) Non residential rates on application.
12 playing places are available. (Non-playing family and friends sharing a room are also welcome (£240)
The retreat starts with supper at 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday 1st October (arrivals during the afternoon) and ends after lunch on Saturday 5th October.
Further information and enrolment
For further details or any questions, please contact Sr Mary Helen at or telephone 01524 732684.
To apply, please download the application form, fill it in and return it to Hyning with a deposit of £30.00 (cheques payable to TOBS Hyning Monastery.)
We look forward to welcoming you!
Relaxing in the local countryside